- swi-prolog
- library
- filesex.pl -- Extended operations on files
- apply.pl -- Apply predicates on a list
- error.pl -- Error generating support
- shlib.pl -- Utility library for loading foreign objects (DLLs, shared objects)
- lists.pl -- List Manipulation
- pairs.pl -- Operations on key-value lists
- doc_http.pl -- Documentation server
- pldoc.pl -- Process source documentation
- memfile.pl
- operators.pl -- Manage operators
- debug.pl -- Print debug messages and test assertions
- option.pl -- Option list processing
- prolog_source.pl -- Examine Prolog source-files
- socket.pl -- Network socket (TCP and UDP) library
- thread_pool.pl -- Resource bounded thread management
- rbtrees.pl -- Red black trees
- gensym.pl -- Generate unique symbols
- readutil.pl -- Read utilities
- url.pl -- Analysing and constructing URL
- utf8.pl -- UTF-8 encoding/decoding on lists of character codes.
- uri.pl -- Process URIs
- settings.pl -- Setting management
- broadcast.pl -- Event service
- arithmetic.pl -- Extensible arithmetic
- sgml.pl -- SGML, XML and HTML parser
- iostream.pl -- Utilities to deal with streams
- dialect.pl -- Support multiple Prolog dialects
- quasi_quotations.pl -- Define Quasi Quotation syntax
- pure_input.pl -- Pure Input from files and streams
- time.pl -- Time and alarm library
- base64.pl -- Base64 encoding and decoding
- aggregate.pl -- Aggregation operators on backtrackable predicates
- ordsets.pl -- Ordered set manipulation
- oset.pl -- Ordered set manipulation
- www_browser.pl -- Open a URL in the users browser
- process.pl -- Create processes and redirect I/O
- prolog_colour.pl -- Prolog syntax colouring support.
- prolog_xref.pl -- Prolog cross-referencer data collection
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- called_by/4
- called_by/2
- meta_goal/2
- hook/1
- xref_source/1
- xref_source/2
- xref_clean/1
- xref_current_source/1
- xref_done/2
- xref_called/3
- xref_called/4
- xref_defined/3
- xref_definition_line/2
- xref_exported/2
- xref_module/2
- xref_uses_file/3
- xref_op/2
- xref_prolog_flag/4
- xref_comment/3
- xref_comment/4
- xref_mode/3
- xref_option/2
- xref_meta/3
- xref_meta/2
- xref_meta_src/3
- xref_hook/1
- xref_public_list/3
- xref_public_list/4
- xref_public_list/6
- xref_public_list/7
- xref_source_file/3
- xref_source_file/4
- predicate_options.pl -- Access and analyse predicate options
- prolog_clause.pl -- Get detailed source-information about a clause
- occurs.pl -- Finding and counting sub-terms
- listing.pl -- List programs and pretty print clauses
- record.pl -- Access compound arguments by name
- assoc.pl -- Binary associations
- ugraphs.pl -- Graph manipulation library
- xpath.pl -- Select nodes in an XML DOM
- prolog_pack.pl -- A package manager for Prolog
- archive.pl -- Access several archive formats
- rdf.pl
- rdf_parser.pl
- rewrite.pl
- quintus.pl -- Quintus compatibility
- rdf_triple.pl -- Create triples from intermediate representation
- sgml_write.pl -- XML/SGML writer module
- xsdp_types.pl -- XML-Schema primitive types
- thread.pl -- High level thread primitives
- git.pl -- Run GIT commands
- ctypes.pl -- Character code classification
- sha.pl -- SHA secure hashes
- crypt.pl
- persistency.pl -- Provide persistent dynamic predicates
- tty.pl -- Terminal operations
- c14n2.pl -- C14n2 canonical XML documents
- dicts.pl -- Dict utilities
- solution_sequences.pl -- Modify solution sequences
- nb_set.pl -- Non-backtrackable sets
- terms.pl -- Term manipulation
- apply_macros.pl -- Goal expansion rules to avoid meta-calling
- snowball.pl -- The Snowball multi-lingual stemmer library
- sandbox.pl -- Sandboxed Prolog code
- prolog_format.pl -- Analyse format specifications
- when.pl -- Conditional coroutining
- double_metaphone.pl -- Phonetic string matching
- porter_stem.pl
- uuid.pl -- Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Library
- pcre.pl -- Perl compatible regular expression matching for SWI-Prolog
- backcomp.pl -- Backward compatibility
- system.pl -- System utilities
- rdf_write.pl -- Write RDF/XML from a list of triples
- date.pl -- Process dates and times
- zlib.pl -- Zlib wrapper for SWI-Prolog
- rdf_ntriples.pl -- RDF N-triples parser (obsolete)
- csv.pl -- Process CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data
- dif.pl -- The dif/2 constraint
- ssl.pl -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) library
- crypto.pl -- Cryptography and authentication library
- ansi_term.pl -- Print decorated text to ANSI consoles
- pengines.pl -- Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made Easy
- charsio.pl -- I/O on Lists of Character Codes
- modules.pl -- Module utility predicates
- term_to_json.pl
- prolog_stack.pl -- Examine the Prolog stack
- statistics.pl -- Get information about resource usage
- editline.pl -- BSD libedit based command line editing
- console_input.pl
- prolog_history.pl -- Per-directory persistent commandline history
- base32.pl -- Base32 encoding and decoding
- edinburgh.pl -- Some traditional Edinburgh predicates
- helpidx.pl
- explain.pl -- Describe Prolog Terms
- edit.pl -- Editor interface
- make.pl -- Reload modified source files
- check.pl -- Consistency checking
- prolog_codewalk.pl -- Prolog code walker
- prolog_metainference.pl -- Infer meta-predicate properties
- prolog_breakpoints.pl -- Manage Prolog break-points
- threadutil.pl -- Interactive thread utilities
- help.pl
- uid.pl -- User and group management on Unix systems
- unix.pl -- Unix specific operations
- syslog.pl -- Unix syslog interface
- main.pl -- Provide entry point for scripts
- md5.pl -- MD5 hashes
- qsave.pl -- Save current program as a state or executable
- prolog_autoload.pl -- Autoload all dependencies
- optparse.pl -- command line parsing
- hash_stream.pl -- Maintain a hash on a stream
- shell.pl -- Elementary shell commands
- win_menu.pl -- Console window menu
- pengines_io.pl -- Provide Prolog I/O for HTML clients
- yall.pl -- Lambda expressions
- prolog_stream.pl -- A stream with Prolog callbacks
- readline.pl -- GNU readline interface
- random.pl -- Random numbers
- doc_files.pl -- Create stand-alone documentation files
- chr.pl
- sort.pl
- files.pl
- writef.pl -- Old-style formatted write
- tabling.pl -- Tabled execution (SLG WAM)
- varnumbers.pl -- Utilities for numbered terms
- library
- xref_meta(+Head, -Called) is semidet
- xref_meta_src(+Head, -Called, +Src) is semidet
- True when Called is a list of terms called from Head. Each
element in Called can be of the form Term+Int, which means that
Term must be extended with Int additional arguments. The variant
xref_meta/3 first queries the local context.
- deprecated
- - New code should use xref_meta/3.
- To be done
- - Split predifined in several categories. E.g., the ISO predicates cannot be redefined.
- - Rely on the meta_predicate property for many predicates.