apply.pl -- Apply predicates on a list
This module defines meta-predicates that apply a predicate on all members of a list.
include(:Goal, +List1, ?List2) is det
- Filter elements for which Goal succeeds. True if List2 contains
those elements Xi of List1 for which
call(Goal, Xi)
succeeds. exclude(:Goal, +List1, ?List2) is det
- Filter elements for which Goal fails. True if List2 contains
those elements Xi of List1 for which
call(Goal, Xi)
fails. partition(:Pred, +List, ?Included, ?Excluded) is det
- Filter elements of List according to Pred. True if Included
contains all elements for which
call(Pred, X)
succeeds and Excluded contains the remaining elements. partition(:Pred, +List, ?Less, ?Equal, ?Greater) is semidet
- Filter List according to Pred in three sets. For each element Xi
of List, its destination is determined by
call(Pred, Xi, Place)
, where Place must be unified to one of<
. Pred must be deterministic. maplist(:Goal, ?List)
- True if Goal can successfully be applied on all elements of List. Arguments are reordered to gain performance as well as to make the predicate deterministic under normal circumstances.
maplist(:Goal, ?List1, ?List2)
- As maplist/2, operating on pairs of elements from two lists.
maplist(:Goal, ?List1, ?List2, ?List3)
- As maplist/2, operating on triples of elements from three lists.
maplist(:Goal, ?List1, ?List2, ?List3, ?List4)
- As maplist/2, operating on quadruples of elements from four lists.
convlist(:Goal, +ListIn, -ListOut) is det
- Similar to maplist/3, but elements for which
call(Goal, ElemIn, _)
fails are omitted from ListOut. For example (using library(yall)):?- convlist([X,Y]>>(integer(X), Y is X^2), [3, 5, 4.4, 2], L). L = [9, 25, 4].
foldl(:Goal, +List, +V0, -V)
foldl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +V0, -V)
foldl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +List3, +V0, -V)
foldl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +List3, +List4, +V0, -V)
- Fold a list, using arguments of the list as left argument. The
foldl family of predicates is defined by:
foldl(P, [X11,...,X1n], ..., [Xm1,...,Xmn], V0, Vn) :- P(X11, ..., Xm1, V0, V1), ... P(X1n, ..., Xmn, V', Vn).
scanl(:Goal, +List, +V0, -Values)
scanl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +V0, -Values)
scanl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +List3, +V0, -Values)
scanl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +List3, +List4, +V0, -Values)
- Left scan of list. The scanl family of higher order list
operations is defined by:
scanl(P, [X11,...,X1n], ..., [Xm1,...,Xmn], V0, [V0,V1,...,Vn]) :- P(X11, ..., Xm1, V0, V1), ... P(X1n, ..., Xmn, V', Vn).