RDF statistics for pm.labs.vu.nl
- Triples in database
- Call statistics
- Active sessions
- Server statistics
Triples in database
The RDF store contains 4.7M triples in 6 graphs
Call statistics
Indexed (SOPG) | Calls |
- | - | - | + | 6 |
- | + | - | + | 1 |
Active sessions
User | Real Name | On since | Idle | From |
- | - | - | 14:05 | |
- | - | - | 16:24 | |
- | - | - | 33:49 | |
- | - | - | 38:18 | |
Server statistics
Static workers and statistics:
Port: | 3020 |
Started: | Wed Dec 18 21:34:43 2024 |
Total CPU usage: | 366.03 seconds |
Requests processed: | 69 |
Bytes sent: | 193K |
# worker threads: | 5 |
Statistics by worker |
Thread | CPU | Stack usage |
Local | Global | Trail |
httpd@3020_1 | 6.104 | 960 | 15.1K | 0 |
httpd@3020_2 | 3.497 | 960 | 15.1K | 0 |
httpd@3020_3 | 3.438 | 6.4K | 84.2K | 376 |
httpd@3020_4 | 3.096 | 960 | 15.1K | 0 |
httpd@3020_5 | 3.308 | 960 | 15.1K | 0 |
Defined dynamic worker pools:
Name | Running | Size | Waiting | Backlog |
cliopatria | 0 | 50 | 0 | infinite |