double_metaphone.pl -- Phonetic string matching
The library library(double_metaphone) implements the Double Metaphone algorithm developed by Lawrence Philips and described in "The Double-Metaphone Search Algorithm" by L Philips, C/C++ User's Journal, 2000. Double Metaphone creates a key from a word that represents its phonetic properties. Two words with the same Double Metaphone are supposed to sound similar. The Double Metaphone algorithm is an improved version of the Soundex algorithm.
double_metaphone(+In, -MetaPhone) is det
- Same as double_metaphone/3, but only returning the primary metaphone.
double_metaphone(+In, -MetaPhone, -AltMetaphone) is det
- Create metaphone and alternative metaphone from In. The primary metaphone is based on english, while the secondary deals with common alternative pronounciation in other languages. In is either and atom, string object, code- or character list. The metaphones are always returned as atoms.