shlib.pl -- Utility library for loading foreign objects (DLLs, shared objects)
This section discusses the functionality of the (autoload)
library(shlib), providing an interface to manage shared libraries. We
describe the procedure for using a foreign resource (DLL in Windows and
shared object in Unix) called mylib
First, one must assemble the resource and make it compatible to
SWI-Prolog. The details for this vary between platforms. The swipl-ld(1)
utility can be used to deal with this in a portable manner. The typical
commandline is:
swipl-ld -o mylib file.{c,o,cc,C} ...
Make sure that one of the files provides a global function
that initialises the module using calls to
PL_register_foreign(). Here is a simple example file mylib.c, which
creates a Windows MessageBox:
#include <windows.h> #include <SWI-Prolog.h> static foreign_t pl_say_hello(term_t to) { char *a; if ( PL_get_atom_chars(to, &a) ) { MessageBox(NULL, a, "DLL test", MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL); PL_succeed; } PL_fail; } install_t install_mylib() { PL_register_foreign("say_hello", 1, pl_say_hello, 0); }
Now write a file mylib.pl
:- module(mylib, [ say_hello/1 ]). :- use_foreign_library(foreign(mylib)).
The file mylib.pl
can be loaded as a normal Prolog file and provides the
predicate defined in C.
load_foreign_library(:FileSpec) is det
load_foreign_library(:FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det
- Load a shared object or DLL. After loading the Entry
function is called without arguments. The default entry function
is composed from =install_=, followed by the file base-name.
E.g., the load-call below calls the function
. If the platform prefixes extern functions with =_=, this prefix is added before calling.... load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib)), ...
use_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det
use_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Entry:atom) is det
- Load and install a foreign library as load_foreign_library/1,2
and register the installation using initialization/2 with the
. This is similar to using::- initialization(load_foreign_library(foreign(mylib))).
but using the initialization/1 wrapper causes the library to be loaded after loading of the file in which it appears is completed, while use_foreign_library/1 loads the library immediately. I.e. the difference is only relevant if the remainder of the file uses functionality of the C-library.
unload_foreign_library(+FileSpec) is det
unload_foreign_library(+FileSpec, +Exit:atom) is det
- Unload a shared object or DLL. After calling the Exit function, the shared object is removed from the process. The default exit function is composed from =uninstall_=, followed by the file base-name.
current_foreign_library(?File, ?Public)
- Query currently loaded shared libraries.
- Reload all foreign libraries loaded (after restore of a state created using qsave_program/2.