2.1.4 Examining and modifying your program
If properly configured, the predicate edit/1 starts the built-in or user configured editor on the argument. The argument can be anything that can be linked to a location: a file name, predicate name, module name, etc. If the argument resolves to only one location the editor is started on this location, otherwise the user is presented a choice.
If a graphical user interface is available, the editor normally creates a new window and the system prompts for the next command. The user may edit the source file, save it and run make/0 to update any modified source file. If the editor cannot be opened in a window it the same console and leaving the editor runs make/0 to reload any source files that have been modified.
?- edit(likes). true. ?- make. % /home/jan/src/pl-devel/linux/likes compiled 0.00 sec, 0 clauses ?- likes(sam, X). ...
The program can also be decompiled using listing/1
as below. The argument is listing/1
is just a predicate name, a predicate
indicator of the form Name/Arity, e.g., ?-
or a head, e.g., ?- listing(likes(sam, _).
listing all matching clauses. The predicate listing/0,
i.e., without arguments lists the entire program.8This
lists several hook predicates that are defined by default and
is typically not very informative.
?- listing(mild). mild(dahl). mild(tandoori). mild(kurma). true.