5.4.1 Functions on dicts
The infix operator dot (op(100, yfx, .)
is used to
extract values and evaluate functions on dicts. Functions are recognised
if they appear in the argument of a goal in the source text,
possibly nested in a term. The keys act as field selector, which is
illustrated in this example.
?- X = point{x:1,y:2}.x. X = 1. ?- Pt = point{x:1,y:2}, write(Pt.y). 2 Pt = point{x:1,y:2}. ?- X = point{x:1,y:2}.C. X = 1, C = x ; X = 2, C = y.
The compiler translates a goal that contains
terms in its arguments into a conjunction of calls to ./3
defined in the
module. Terms functor.
2 that appears in
the head are replaced with a variable and calls to ./3
are inserted at the start of the body. Below are two examples, where the
first extracts the
key from a dict and the second extends a dict containing
an address with the postal code, given a find_postal_code/4 predicate.
dict_x(X, X.x). add_postal_code(Dict, Dict.put(postal_code, Code)) :- find_postal_code(Dict.city, Dict.street, Dict.house_number, Code).
Note that expansion of
terms implies
that such terms cannot be created by writing them explicitly in your
source code. Such terms can still be created with functor/3, =../2,
code is unlikely to use .
terms because they
were practically reserved for usage in lists. We do not provide a
quoting mechanism as found in functional languages because it would only
be needed to quote .
terms, such terms are
rare and term manipulation provides an escape route.
- .(+Dict, +Function, -Result)
- This predicate is called to evaluate
terms found in the arguments of a goal. This predicate evaluates the field extraction described above, which is mapped to get_dict_ex/3. If Function is a compound term, it checks for the predefined functions on dicts described in section or executes a user defined function as described in section
/2 User defined functions on dicts
The tag of a dict associates the dict to a module. If the dot notation uses a compound term, this calls the goal below.
<module>:<name>(Arg1, ..., +Dict, -Value)
Functions are normal Prolog predicates. The dict infrastructure
provides a more convenient syntax for representing the head of such
predicates without worrying about the argument calling conventions. The
code below defines a function multiply(Times)
on a point
that creates a new point by multiplying both coordinates. and len()
150as length()
would result in a predicate length/2,
this name cannot be used. This might change in future versions.
to compute the length from the origin. The . and :=
operators are used to abstract the location of the predicate arguments.
It is allowed to define multiple a function with multiple clauses,
providing overloading and non-determinism.
:- module(point, []). M.multiply(F) := point{x:X, y:Y} :- X is M.x*F, Y is M.y*F. M.len() := Len :- Len is sqrt(M.x**2 + M.y**2).
After these definitions, we can evaluate the following functions:
?- X = point{x:1, y:2}.multiply(2). X = point{x:2, y:4}. ?- X = point{x:1, y:2}.multiply(2).len(). X = 4.47213595499958. Predefined functions on dicts
Dicts currently define the following reserved functions: