- library
- semweb
- rdf_db.pl -- Core RDF database
- rdf_cache.pl -- Cache RDF triples
- rdfs.pl -- RDFS handling
- rdf11.pl -- RDF 1.1 API
- rdf_persistency.pl -- RDF persistency plugin
- rdf_litindex.pl -- Search literals
- rdf_ntriples.pl -- Process files in the RDF N-Triples format
- sparql_client.pl -- SPARQL client library
- turtle.pl -- Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language
- rdf_turtle_write.pl -- Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language writer
- rdf_http_plugin.pl -- RDF HTTP Plugin
- rdf_library.pl -- RDF Library Manager
- rdf_zlib_plugin.pl -- RDF compressed-data plugin
- semweb
- rdfs_individual_of(+Resource, +Class) is semidet
- rdfs_individual_of(+Resource, -Class) is nondet
- rdfs_individual_of(-Resource, +Class) is nondet
- Generate resources belonging to a class or classes a resource
belongs to. We assume everything at the `object' end of a triple
is a class. A validator should confirm this property.
rdfs_individual_of(+, -)
does not exploit domain and range properties, deriving that ifrdf(R, P, _)
is present R must satisfy the domain of P (and similar for range).There are a few hacks:
- Any resource is an individual of rdfs:Resource
is an individual of rdfs:Literal