- library
- semweb
- rdf_db.pl -- Core RDF database
- rdf_cache.pl -- Cache RDF triples
- rdfs.pl -- RDFS handling
- rdf11.pl -- RDF 1.1 API
- rdf_persistency.pl -- RDF persistency plugin
- rdf_litindex.pl -- Search literals
- rdf_ntriples.pl -- Process files in the RDF N-Triples format
- sparql_client.pl -- SPARQL client library
- turtle.pl -- Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language
- rdf_turtle_write.pl -- Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language writer
- rdf_http_plugin.pl -- RDF HTTP Plugin
- rdf_library.pl -- RDF Library Manager
- rdf_zlib_plugin.pl -- RDF compressed-data plugin
- semweb
- rdf_db_to_file(+DB, -File) is det
- rdf_db_to_file(-DB, +File) is det
- Translate between database encoding (often an file or URL) and the name we store in the directory. We keep a cache for two reasons. Speed, but much more important is that the mapping of raw --> encoded provided by www_form_encode/2 is not guaranteed to be unique by the W3C standards.