- lib
- semweb
- rdf_label.pl -- Generate labels for RDF objects
- rdf_optimise.pl
- rdf_file_type.pl -- Load RDF data from unknown file-type
- rdf_json.pl -- JSON Representation for RDF graphs
- rdf_describe.pl -- RDF Bounded descriptions
- rdf_bnode.pl -- RDF graph operations on bnodes
- rdf_schema.pl
- rdf_graphviz.pl -- Interface to graphviz for RDF graphs
- rdf_abstract.pl -- Abstract RDF graphs
- semweb
- resource_CBD(:Expand, +URI, -Graph) is det
- Graph is the Concise Bounded Description of URI. This notion is
also known as "the bnode-closure of a resource". Note that,
according to the definition on the Talis wiki, the CBD includes
reified statements. This predicate does not do this. Use
rdf_include_reifications/3 to add reifications to the graph.
- Arguments:
Expand - is called to enumerate the PO pairs for a subject. This will often be rdf
to use rdf/3. - See also
- - http://n2.talis.com/wiki/Bounded_Descriptions_in_RDF