- lib
- semweb
- rdf_label.pl -- Generate labels for RDF objects
- rdf_optimise.pl
- rdf_file_type.pl -- Load RDF data from unknown file-type
- rdf_json.pl -- JSON Representation for RDF graphs
- rdf_describe.pl -- RDF Bounded descriptions
- rdf_bnode.pl -- RDF graph operations on bnodes
- rdf_schema.pl
- rdf_graphviz.pl -- Interface to graphviz for RDF graphs
- rdf_abstract.pl -- Abstract RDF graphs
- semweb
- rdf_include_labels(:Expand, +Graph0, -Graph) is det
- Include missing `label' statements in Graph0. Expand must
provide label triples on
call(Expand, S, P, O)
The predicate lcbd_label/3 does this for the standard definition, considering the properties rdfs:label, rdfs:comment and rdfs:seeAlso.