- lib
- semweb
- rdf_label.pl -- Generate labels for RDF objects
- rdf_optimise.pl
- rdf_file_type.pl -- Load RDF data from unknown file-type
- rdf_json.pl -- JSON Representation for RDF graphs
- rdf_describe.pl -- RDF Bounded descriptions
- rdf_bnode.pl -- RDF graph operations on bnodes
- rdf_schema.pl
- rdf_graphviz.pl -- Interface to graphviz for RDF graphs
- rdf_abstract.pl -- Abstract RDF graphs
- semweb
- merge_sameas_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, +Options) is det
- Collapse nodes in GraphIn that are related through an identity
mapping. By default, owl:sameAs is the identity relation.
Options defines:
- predicate(-PredOrList)
- Use an alternate or list of predicates that are to be treated as identity relations.
- sameas_mapped(-Assoc)
- Assoc from resources to the resource it was mapped to.