- Documentation
- Reference manual
- Built-in Predicates
- Arithmetic
- General purpose arithmetic
- Arithmetic Functions
- -/1
- +/1
- +/2
- -/2
- */2
- f-//2
- mod/2
- rem/2
- f-///2
- div/2
- rdiv/2
- gcd/2
- abs/1
- sign/1
- copysign/2
- max/2
- min/2
- ./2
- random/1
- random_float/0
- round/1
- integer/1
- float/1
- rational/1
- rationalize/1
- float_fractional_part/1
- float_integer_part/1
- truncate/1
- floor/1
- ceiling/1
- ceil/1
- >>/2
- <</2
- f-\//2
- /\/2
- xor/2
- \/1
- sqrt/1
- sin/1
- cos/1
- tan/1
- asin/1
- acos/1
- atan/1
- atan2/2
- atan/2
- sinh/1
- cosh/1
- tanh/1
- asinh/1
- acosh/1
- atanh/1
- log/1
- log10/1
- exp/1
- **/2
- ^/2
- powm/3
- lgamma/1
- erf/1
- erfc/1
- pi/0
- e/0
- epsilon/0
- inf/0
- nan/0
- cputime/0
- eval/1
- msb/1
- lsb/1
- popcount/1
- getbit/2
- Arithmetic Functions
- General purpose arithmetic
- Arithmetic
- Built-in Predicates
- Packages
- Reference manual
Availability:Arithmetic function (see is/2)
(IntExprV >> IntExprI)/\1
but more efficient because materialization of the shifted value is
avoided. Future versions will optimise (IntExprV >> IntExprI)/\1
to a call to getbit/2,
providing both portability and performance.115This
issue was fiercely debated at the ISO standard mailinglist. The name getbit
was selected for compatibility with ECLiPSe, the only system providing
this support. Richard O'Keefe disliked the name and argued that
efficient handling of the above implementation is the best choice for
this functionality.