All predicatesShow -- ClioPatria hooks

This module declares the hooks an application may define to extend or modify some of ClioPatria's behaviour. Hooks are multifile defined predicates that -typically- have no default definition. Code using the hook typically first calls the hook. If the hook succeeds the task is considered done. Otherwise some default action is performed. For example, a property myprefix:componentName can be added as a property that provides a label using this code:

:- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)).


The example below adds an item to Help popup of ClioPatria:

:- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).

cliopatria:menu_item(help/about, 'About').

:- http_handler(root(about), about, []).

about(Request) :-
    <generate the about page>
Source menu_item(?Item, ?Label)[multifile]
This hook adds an item to the ClioPatria menu. Item is a term of the form [rank=]popup/item, where popup denotes the name of the popup menu and item is a (new) item to be added to the popup. The item is the handler-identifier of the HTTP handler that implements the item (see http_handler/3). Label is the label displayed. rank defines the position inside the popup. The built-in items are numbered 100,200,...

For example, if we want to add a new item to the Repository menu after Load from library that crawls LOD data, we can use the following code:

:- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)).
:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).

:- handler(cliopatria('crawl_lod_form'), crawl_lod_form, []).

cliopatria:menu_item(400=repository/crawl_lod_form, 'Crawl LOD').

crawl_lod_form(Request) :-
See also
- The menu_label/2 and menu_popup_order/2 hooks provide further control over the menu.
- cp_menu:menu_item/2 implements the default menu.
Source menu_label(+Id, -Label)[multifile]
This hook allows for dynamic or redefined (e.g., multilingual) labels. It is called both for popup-identifiers and item-identifiers.
Source menu_popup_order(+Id, -Location:integer)[multifile]
This hook controls the order of the popup-item of ClioPatria's menu.
Source rdf_label:label_property(?Property)[multifile]
True if the value of Property can be used to (non-uniquely) describe an object to the user. This hook provides additional facts to label_property/1.
Source bnode_label(+Resource)//[multifile]
HTML-write DCG rule that produces an HTML description for the given RDF blank node. See bnode_label//1.
HTML-write DCG rule that produces an HTML description for the given RDFObject (a resource or literal) with an appropriate link. This predicate is called by the RDF browser to present RDF triples.
 resource_link(+URI, -URL)//[private]
URL is the link created by rdf_link//1 for URI. The default opens the ClioPatria `local view'.
See also
- cpa_browse:list_resource/1 is the handler addressed by the default link.
- cp_label:resource_link/2 calls the hook.
Source list_resource(+URI, +Options)//[multifile]
This hook is called by cpa_browse:list_resource//2, which display the `local view' page for a resource. This can be used to create a different page for describing a resource and still using overall infrastructure such as rdf_link//1.
Source user_preference_db(?Property:atom, ?Value:rdf_object) is nondet[multifile]
Query properties for the current user/session. This mechanism allows code to access information about the user/session without committing to a particular implementation. The predicate and values are compatible with RDF to allow implementing the user database in RDF, typically using the OpenID as subject.
Source user_preference_default(?Property:atom, ?Value:rdf_object) is nondet[multifile]
Provides defaults for the user_preference/2.
See also
- user_preference_db/2
Source page_body(+Body)// is semidet[multifile]
Source page_body(+Style, +Body)// is semidet[multifile]
Emit the body of the page. This can be used to provide a different skin for ClioPatria. The Style argument is passed from reply_html_page/3. The file skin(cliopatria) defines the overall skin and first calls cliopatria:page_body//2, if this fails cliopatria:page_body//1 and if this fails too it uses the default page.
Source server_address//[multifile]
HTML-write DCG rule that writes the address of the server. If you want to maintain its normal position in the page layout, this should create an element of class address using the class cliopatria.
Source logo//[multifile]
Logo placed left of the menu-bar. Must be an object that has float:left style.
Source predicate_order(+Pred, -Order) is semidet[multifile]
Define the order in which predicates appear in the local view. The Order is an integer. The system ordering is defined by cpa_browse:p_order/2. Predicates that are not explicitly ordered are placed at the end of the table an ordered alphabetically.

Predicates that have order `0' are deleted from the table.

Source context_graph(+R, -RDF, +Options) is semidet[multifile]
- Use context_graph/3.
Source context_graph(+R, -RDF, +Options) is semidet[multifile]
This hook redefines the context graph shown by the RDF browser for the resource R. RDF is a list of rdf(S,P,O) triples that describe the context. Typically only object-triples are used, although that is not a requirement.
See also
- This predicate hooks cpa_browse:context_graph/3. Please visit the soure to learn about available building blocks.
Source context_predicate(+Subject, -Predicate) is nondet[multifile]
True when rdf(Subject, Predicate, _) must be included in the context graph for Subject.
Source node_label(+URI, +Lang, +MaxLen, -Label) is semidet[multifile]
Compute a label for URI in the given language, truncating the label to MaxLen characters.
Source node_shape(+URI, -Shape, +Options) is semidet[multifile]
Compute the desired shape for a GraphViz node representing URI.
URI- is the resource for which to determine the shape
Shape- is a list Name(Value) for parameters given to GraphViz.
Options- provides additional guidance. Currently it may provide start(StartURI) to indicate the graph is a context node for the resource StartURI.
See also
Source bag_shape(+Bag, -Shape, +Options) is semidet[multifile]
Compute the desired properties for a table used to display a bag of resources. Shape options include:
Only show the first Max members of the bag. Default is 5.
Basic shape
Style options
Truncate labels that have more then Chars characters.
Bag- is a list of member resources
Source edge_shape(+Triple, -Shape, +Options) is semidet[multifile]
Compute the desired attributes for a GraphViz edge representing the predicate Triple.
Triple- is the triple for which to determine the shape
Shape- is a list Name(Value) for parameters given to GraphViz.
Options- provides additional guidance. Currently it may provide start(StartURI) to indicate the graph is a context node for the resource StartURI.
Source page_body(+Body)// is semidet[multifile]
Source page_body(+Style, +Body)// is semidet[multifile]
Emit the body of the page. This can be used to provide a different skin for ClioPatria. The Style argument is passed from reply_html_page/3. The file skin(cliopatria) defines the overall skin and first calls cliopatria:page_body//2, if this fails cliopatria:page_body//1 and if this fails too it uses the default page.