36:- module(rdfql_queries,
37 [ query_form//1, 38 store_recall//2, 39 query_script//0, 40 store_query/3 41 ]). 42:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). 43:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 44:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 45:- use_module(basics).
63query_form(Options) -->
64 html([ form([ class(query),
65 name(query),
66 action(location_by_id(evaluate_query)),
67 method('GET')
68 ],
69 [ \hidden(repository, default),
70 \hidden(serialization, rdfxml),
71 h3([ 'Interactive ',
72 \query_language(Options, Hidden),
73 ' query'
74 ]),
75 Hidden,
76 table([ class(query)
77 ],
78 [ \store_recall(_, 3-2),
79 tr([ td(colspan(5),
80 textarea(name(query), ''))
81 ]),
82 tr([ td([ span(class(label), 'Result format: '),
83 \result_format
84 ]),
85 td([ span(class(label), 'Resource: '),
86 \resource_menu
87 ]),
88 td([ span(class(label), 'Entailment: '),
89 \entailment
90 ]),
91 td(align(right),
92 [ input([ type(reset),
93 value('Clear')
94 ]),
95 input([ type(submit),
96 value('Go!')
97 ])
98 ])
99 ])
100 ])
101 ]),
102 \query_script
103 ]).
106result_format -->
107 html(select(name(resultFormat),
108 [ option([], xml),
109 option([selected], html),
110 option([], json),
111 option([], csv)
112 ])).
114query_language(Options, Hidden) -->
115 { option(query_languages(LangList), Options, ['SPARQL', 'SeRQL'])
116 },
117 ( { LangList = [Lang] }
118 -> html([Lang]),
119 { Hidden = \hidden(queryLanguage, Lang) }
120 ; { LangList = [DefLang|More] },
121 html(select(name(queryLanguage),
122 [ option([selected], DefLang)
123 | \options(More)
124 ])),
125 { Hidden = '' }
126 ).
128options([]) --> [].
129options([Value|T]) -->
130 html(option([], Value)),
131 options(T).
135 html(select(name(resourceFormat),
136 [ option([value(plain)], plain),
137 option([value(ns), selected], 'ns:local'),
138 option([value(nslabel)], 'ns:label')
139 ])).
141entailment -->
142 { findall(E, cliopatria:entailment(E, _), Es)
143 },
144 html(select(name(entailment),
145 \entailments(Es))).
147entailments([]) -->
148 [].
149entailments([E|T]) -->
150 ( { setting(cliopatria:default_entailment, E)
151 }
152 -> html(option([selected], E))
153 ; html(option([], E))
154 ),
155 entailments(T).
166store_recall(Type, SL-SR) -->
167 { next_query_id(Id), !
168 },
169 html(tr([ td([ class(qstore),
170 colspan(SL)
171 ],
172 [ b('Remember as: '),
173 input([ id(qid),
174 name(storeAs),
175 size(30),
176 value(Id)
177 ])
178 ]),
179 td([ class(qrecall),
180 colspan(SR),
181 align(right)
182 ],
183 \recall(Type))
184 ])).
185store_recall(_, SL-SR) -->
186 { Span is SL+SR },
187 html(tr([ td([ class(qnostore),
188 colspan(Span)
189 ],
190 [ 'Login to enable save/restore of queries'
191 ])
192 ])).
195recall(Type) -->
196 { http_in_session(_),
197 findall(Name-Query, stored_query(Name, Type, Query), Pairs),
198 Pairs \== []
199 },
200 !,
201 html([ b('Recall: '),
202 select(name(recall),
203 [ option([selected], '')
204 | \stored_queries(Pairs)
205 ])
206 ]).
207recall(_) -->
208 [].
210:- thread_local
211 script_fragment/1. 212
213stored_queries([]) --> !.
214stored_queries(List) -->
215 stored_queries(List, 1),
216 { assert(script_fragment('\nf1();\n')) }.
218stored_queries([], _) -->
219 [].
220stored_queries([Name-Query|T], I) -->
221 { I2 is I + 1,
222 atom_concat(f, I, FName),
223 js_quoted(Query, QuotedQuery),
224 format(atom(Script),
225 'function ~w()\n\c
226 { document.query.query.value=\'~w\';\n \c
227 document.getElementById(\'qid\').value="~w";\n\c
228 }\n',
229 [ FName, QuotedQuery, Name ]),
230 assert(script_fragment(Script)),
231 format(atom(Call), '~w()', [FName])
232 },
233 html(option([onClick(Call)], Name)),
234 stored_queries(T, I2).
243query_script -->
244 { findall(S, retract(script_fragment(S)), Fragments),
245 Fragments \== []
246 },
247 !,
248 [ '\n<script language="JavaScript">\n'
249 ],
250 Fragments,
251 [ '\n</script>\n'
252 ].
253query_script -->
254 [].
261js_quoted(Raw, Quoted) :-
262 atom_codes(Raw, Codes),
263 phrase(js_quote_codes(Codes), QuotedCodes),
264 atom_codes(Quoted, QuotedCodes).
266js_quote_codes([]) -->
267 [].
268js_quote_codes([0'\r,0'\n|T]) -->
269 !,
270 "\\n",
271 js_quote_codes(T).
272js_quote_codes([H|T]) -->
273 js_quote_code(H),
274 js_quote_codes(T).
276js_quote_code(0'') -->
277 !,
278 "\\'".
279js_quote_code(0'\\) -->
280 !,
281 "\\\\".
282js_quote_code(0'\n) -->
283 !,
284 "\\n".
285js_quote_code(0'\r) -->
286 !,
287 "\\r".
288js_quote_code(0'\t) -->
289 !,
290 "\\t".
291js_quote_code(C) -->
292 [C].
304store_query(_, '', _) :- !.
305store_query(Type, As, Query) :-
306 http_in_session(_),
307 !,
308 set_high_id(As),
309 http_session_retractall(stored_query(As, Type, _)),
310 http_session_retractall(stored_query(_, Type, Query)),
311 http_session_asserta(stored_query(As, Type, Query)).
312store_query(_, _, _).
314stored_query(As, Type, Query) :-
315 http_session_data(stored_query(As, Type, Query)).
317set_high_id(Name) :-
318 http_in_session(_),
319 atom_concat('Q-', Id, Name),
320 catch(atom_number(Id, N), _, fail),
321 !,
322 ( http_session_data(qid(N0))
323 -> ( N > N0
324 -> http_session_retract(qid(_)),
325 http_session_assert(qid(N))
326 ; true
327 )
328 ; http_session_assert(qid(N))
329 ).
333next_query_id(Id) :-
334 http_in_session(_Session),
335 !,
336 ( http_session_data(qid(Id0))
337 -> Next is Id0+1
338 ; Next is 1
339 ),
340 atomic_list_concat(['Q-',Next], Id)
Forms for entering SPARQL and SeRQL queries.
This module implements the forms for entering SPARQL and SeRQL queries with a simple query-history mechanism for user-submitted SPARQL queries. */